What is ARHME?
ARHME was created to give a voice and face to those of us who, after years of loyal and conscientious public service, are retired from the City of Houston and are receiving pension benefits from Houston Municipal Employees Pension System (HMEPS). The bond we shared on the job, and now in retirement, requires us to come together to face vital common issues.
ARHME has three broad missions:
Inform and educate retirees, active city employees, and elected and appointed officials on matters concerning our pensions and benefits.
Take such action as necessary and appropriate to protect and preserve retirement benefits.
Provide a means for city retirees to stay connected with one another.
By joining ARHME, you:
Become part of an organized advocacy group that represents your interest in pension and health benefits matters.
Stay informed about issues that may affect your pension.
Present a united front to have a stronger influence through greater membership numbers.
It is important that we, as retirees, stay involved and educated in matters affecting our pension and benefits.
Our strength will be in our numbers. There is no cost to join ARHME. There are no dues. This is an all volunteer organization. So join with us today to help assure that our pension and benefits are there for us tomorrow.
Founded – June 1, 2007
Founding Members – 36