March 3, 2025 – March 31, 2025
Retirees under age 65
If retirees are keeping their current plan option, no action is needed, and current benefit elections will roll into the new plan year.
If a retiree needs to add or terminate a dependent, enroll themselves (they must have previously opted-out of coverage), or change their current COH plan, they need to complete the COH Benefits Non-Medicare/Medicare Eligible Retiree/Survivor Open Enrollment Form.
All enrollment changes processed during open enrollment will become effective May 1, 2025.
Rates will remain the same for the medical, dental, and vision plans.
ALL retirees who have life insurance are encouraged to review and update their beneficiaries in the enrollment system.
For changes, please do the following:
Go to, login and update benefits.
Click on to submit form for changes.
By uploading to the Benefits Division Secure Document Submission Portal found at
By mailing the completed form to 611 Walker Street, Benefits Division, 4th Floor, Houston, Texas 77002.
By visiting the Benefits Division located at 611 Walker Street, 4th Floor, Houston, Texas 77002. Office Hours are Monday – Friday 7 AM – 5:30 PM.
Open Enrollment Information
The “2025 Open Enrollment Benefits Guide - Retirees” provides important information regarding updates and changes impacting the City’s Retiree plans and coverage. All documents are available through the HR Benefits website:
Virtual Open Enrollment Meeting
Virtual: Monday, March 17, 2025
Time: 2 - 3:30 p.m.
Link: Join Meeting
More information about 2025 Spring Retiree Open Enrollment can be found on the City of Houston’s Benefits Division website at, by emailing, or by calling (832) 393-6000.
Please click here for more information regarding Silver Sneakers.
At ARHME, when it comes to dealing with elected and appointed officials, our strength is in our membership numbers. We have an ongoing Membership Drive and always need your help to reach out and recruit new members as they retire. We currently have over 900 members, but this represents only about 10% of the service retirees, beneficiaries, surviving spouses, and disabled retirees who are eligible to join to become active members of ARHME. Our membership recruiting drive includes a rewards program to recognize members who recruit five (5) or more new members who join ARHME. The attached flyer explains the program in detail. The membership program is coordinated by Board Member Joyce J. Bethany, whose contact information is below. Thank you.
There is strength in numbers… At each bi-annual membership meeting, a member recruiting the most members for that period (a minimum of five(5) new members) will select a recruitment gift from the items listed below.
*4 tickets to an ARHME Social
*$100 Gift card
*A Massage Envy full body massage
*2 Personalized Yeti cups
*Dinner for you and the new members you have recruited ($200 value and $30 for each additional recruit after 5)
Currently there are no membership dues!
We have your best interest when it comes to securing your Retirement Benefits. Join us in making ARHME Stronger.
Let us recruit as many new members (retired, surviving spouses and deferred City of Houston Municipal Employees) as we can.
Need additional information? Please contact Joyce J. Bethany at or 713-729-1768.
State Legislature
Let your representatives know about your growing concerns for you, your community and your pension.
City Council
Stay informed. Get active. Learn more on what is going on in Houston.
ARHME has no membership dues. Voluntary contributions can be made to the ARHME PAC through a payroll deduction program facilitated by HMEPS.
Click the link below to set up your contribution.